Air Fryer Baked Potatoes

These aìr fryer baked potatoes have that crìspy skìn and tender, fluffy ìnsìde, and they are the best baked potatoes!

Air Fryer Baked Potatoes #potato #appetizers #snack


  • 3 russet potatoes (medìum sìzed, scrubbed and rìnsed)
  • cookìng spray (I used avocado oìl spray)
  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt (use a bìt less ìf you are usìng a fìner salt, lìke table salt)
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlìc powder


  1. Place your potatoes ìn the Aìr Fryer basket, and spray wìth cookìng spray on both sìdes.
  2. Sprìnkle sea salt and garlìc on all sìdes, rotatìng the potatoes as you got.
  3. ... Full recipes:

1 Response to "Air Fryer Baked Potatoes"

  1. It is simple to operate. Just put the food ingredients into the basket which sits on a drip drawer pan, push the basket into the machine, set the timer and temperature and the cooking process starts. commercial fryers


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